Coffee Break

Questions to Ask Yourself Before Moving Abroad

Moving abroad is something that many people find difficult. Saying goodbye to friends and family is a tough thing to do, and it’s even worse when you consider the possibility of a language barrier or even cultural differences that may or may not affect your lifestyle. But despite all of that, moving abroad is one of the most liberating feelings that you’ll ever feel. It feels better than the time you moved out of your parent’s house, and it’ll feel even more amazing than just a simple holiday. In fact, some people even think of it as a permanent holiday especially if they have a job that allows them to work from anywhere they want.

However, there are many challenges that come with moving abroad and they’re often neglected. It’s not uncommon to find someone that moves abroad, only to hate it and move back within a short year because they weren’t expecting to have a difficult time adjusting. Before you make a rash decision to go and move somewhere else, here are a couple of considerations to keep in mind before making a plan.

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Are you financially prepared?

The first question to ask yourself is “am I financially ready?”. The reason you ask this is because moving abroad isn’t a ticket to a cheaper lifestyle. Sure, you might move to a location that has overall lower living costs but keep in mind you won’t be able to continue your day job unless you work online or you’re self-employed, and wages are probably lower to account for the lower living costs. When you move, consider your career options abroad and try to find one before you finalise your move.

Are you legally prepared?

You’ll probably want to speak to an immigration law firm before even thinking about what country to move to. Obtaining citizenship can be a difficult and time-consuming process if you’re not prepared, so make sure you read up plenty about the laws regarding immigration in your target country. Some countries demand you live there for a specific amount of time before being able to obtain citizenship, and others are more relaxed assuming you’ve found a partner or a similar reason to move abroad.

Are you culturally prepared?

Before you move to a different country and start insulting people accidentally, make sure you’re prepared culturally. Read up on customs, the language, and even their traditions so that you don’t frustrate or upset the natives. The last thing you want to do is be alienated or treated like an outsider (even if you are one). The idea is to integrate culturally within your new community, not stand out and be shunned.

Are you mentally prepared?

If you’re prepared to say goodbye to friends and family, then you’re already a step closer to being mentally prepared. Many people move abroad and feel homesick shortly after. Make sure you have ways to stay in touch with people back at home. Utilise social media and make regular phone calls or internet calls through programs like Skype. Remember that it’s not goodbye forever because you can still go back and visit them, but you’ll be seeing them a lot less so the best way to keep in touch is to use the internet.