Tesacom, the leading provider of satellite communications in Latam, has deployed in Chile using Spectra Group’s SlingShot® system with Inmarsat L-TAC® service.

SlingShot enables communication from UHF and VHF tactical radios over SATCOM, offering a straightforward and cost-effective way to achieve tactical, secure, communications between remote networks for beyond line of sight communications on the move.
Spectra, working closely with Tesacom, successfully tested SlingShot in Chile during November 2014, proving the reliability and operational skills of the product in the field for the very first time in Chile and South America and a recent trial demonstrated the solution working in the far South extremes.
Steff Taylor, Head of Business Development at Spectra Group (UK) Ltd, said: “Spectra is delighted to be able to provide SlingShot to the South American market through Tesacom, a prestigious and respected company. Latin America is an exciting new market for Spectra and has many unique challenges, both in traditional defence operations and modern day policing and border security on land and at sea.
“We are very pleased to be exhibiting at the Fidae International Air & Space Fair for the first time. We are also looking forward to meeting key delegations from the region and finding new opportunities to present SlingShot as a key enabler.”
Mr Taylor added: “Working with Tesacom will open the Latin America market for Spectra and SlingShot and we look forward to develop both existing and new opportunities to advise potential end users in meeting their strategic requirements.”
Jose Sanchez Elia, CEO of Tesacom, said: “Tesacom is very pleased to work with Spectra Group in Chile and excited to be able to offer the SlingShot solution. SlingShot will help to resolve many of the communication challenges posed by the natural geography of South America. Communications and Command and Control have never been easy, and sometimes been impossible over mountain ranges, deserts, rainforests and large expanses of water. However now, with Spectra’s SlingShot, we are able to offer an efficient and tested solution.”