Coffee Break

The Core C’s Of A Fantastic Company Community

The team is the cornerstone of any successful business. It’s no coincidence that some of the places ranked amongst the happiest to work in are also some of the most successful. Places like Google, Salesforce and Ikea succeed precisely because of how they make a team out of their employees. To that end, there are three crucial strategies that every business owner should undertake. These are the tools that will help you build a team that is more productive, happier and more likely to stay with you.




There is nothing in the world that can’t be improved with a more focused effort to properly communicate. It’s vital that communication is more than passing objective down from one end to the other. An employer who cares about their staff shows it by touching base with them. Get them engaged by asking for their thoughts on their position as well as the operation of the business as a whole. Make sure that they know there are no repercussions for disagreeing with their superiors in private. In team meetings, ask them to prepare issues they want to discuss. Get them thinking about themselves as part of the business, not a pawn of it. This encourages more active thought about their job and the whole team, meaning you get a more engaged employee.


Don’t focus entirely on the individual, either. Corporate culture is something that is born of the whole group of people. In the everyday of the office, do your best to stifle negative gossip and nip public criticism in the bud. Make sure that any problems are addressed directly and professionally. On a more positive note, make sure your employees have a better opportunity to properly know one another. Conferences are great because they give the chance for people who have been emailing one another for months to finally meet. It’s also your opportunity to get them together to share the ethos and directives of the business as a whole with them. But remember that conferences should be positive experiences. With help from people like conference booking agents, you can focus less on the administrative aspect and more on the human element.


Every day, the senior members of staff should do what’s in their power to help their colleagues with their workload. Communication isn’t just about hearing out someone’s thoughts, but creating a more flexible workplace. Don’t be too stuck in the ways of the office if there are tools you can use to improve productivity. For example, consider the improvement of technology as of late. Consider how increasing automation can help in dealing with administrative workload. The more busy work you can take off you and your employees’ plates, the more time spent on engaging, money-making work.

Team is the important word here. People need to feel not like they’re the employees of a brand, but the members of a community. It means respect, open communication, and a shared ethos. With the tips above, hopefully, you can start building that for your team.