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Welcome To The House Of Fun – Mistakes To Avoid In The Property Business

Many people make an extra income from property these days. It’s a reliable method for increasing your bank balance and improving your quality of life. However, lots of folks lose money, and there are many ways to waste your time. With that in mind, we wanted to present some information that should assist you in getting things right. Regardless of the nature of your company, the same rules should apply. It doesn’t matter if you’re buying and selling or becoming a landlord. You can still make the same errors in judgement as anyone else. Considering that, take a quick read through the article and see if you can find some useful info. At the end of the day, research is essential when moving into any new area of business. So, pay attention!



  • Buying homes in undesirable locations

The first mistake people make relates to the location of their properties. It’s vital that you perform a lot of research when you’re about to spend thousands of pounds. There is no point buying a house in a town where nobody wants to live. Ideally, you want homes situated near to public transport links and major towns or cities. That way, you will have no trouble finding people who want to rent. There are lots of websites online you can use to find out all the most relevant information. For example, the police publish crime rate statistics you can peruse. The education establishment also released league tables that will show you how local schools perform. All of that information is vital if you want to make as much money as possible.


  • Purchasing property that’s value is decreasing

You’ll want to spend some time looking at a property’s value history before you make an offer. There are some pockets of the UK that experience strange spikes and drops in house prices. That could become an issue, or you could use it as an advantage. If you can predict when the value of a home is about to rise, you could purchase it. You would then sell it a few weeks later and make a healthy profit. Those of you who want to become landlords can follow the same process. Try to work out when the price is going to drop. You can then put all the groundwork in place for the purchase ahead of time. Wait for the drop to occur, and then strike while the iron is hot. That would mean your monthly mortgage payments would reduce, and you keep more cash in your accounts.


  • Failing to consider all the costs involved

There is no getting away from the fact that you will have to consider additional costs when buying property. For example, those who purchase from auction might have to pay a commission. Those who follow the traditional route will have to think about conveyancing fees. Thankfully, there are many websites you can use to ensure you get the best deal. Just search Google for relevant domains and use their tools. A recent list of conveyancing fees compared highlighted that some solicitors are cheaper than others. Some charge a flat fee, and others determine their costs based on the value of the property. Just make sure you shop around because it doesn’t make sense to waste your investment. Why spend £3,000 when you could spend £1,000 and keep the rest in the bank?



  • Not creating an accurate budget

Your ability to create a realistic budget is crucial in the property business. That said, you might face many unexpected costs along the way. So, the basic rule of thumb is that you always need more than you think. Once you have information about conveyancing fees and others expenses, you can begin the process of planning. Of course, there is no way to predict how much you might have to spend on property maintenance over the years. However, you can work out how much it will cost to get the property title in your name. So, make sure you add all those figures together and design an affordable budget. Try not to exceed it unless you encounter an emergency.

We hope the information on this page will make your life easier during the next few months. Don’t repeat the same mistakes others have made in the past. You could make a fortune from the property business if you’re smart. It’s all about making the right moves at the best times. There is always going to be an element of luck involved. That said, you can still tip the scales of balance in your favour. Good luck!