Coffee Break

Training Your Employees To Be Stars!

Every time you go through the process of hiring a new member of staff, you have to spend a lot of time and money ensuring they are the right person to fit in with your business. You make a gamble every single time you begin the process of interviews and training, as you might be spending money on someone who won’t be a great fit. As a business owner, it’s the risk you take when you bring new people into your company and while you take the chance on someone new, you have to ensure that you are going to be raising an all-star in your company and not a glorified robot!

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Regardless of the industry you are in, you will spend a fair chunk of your staff budget onboarding your employees. This money that you spent, while in your budget, isn’t money that should be wasted. You’ll of course want to be certain that you will be maximising your investment and you can do this by providing training that is ongoing, relevant and effective in your business. Never underestimate the power that training can give to the people you hire. By handing your staff the right tools, you can capitalise on their experience and skills to be the best in your business.

The right training is a long process, but it’s one worth investing time in so that you can create a very equal working environment. It’s not just training in the health and safety procedures of your company, but in the 5 Why training you give to help your staff understand how to problem solve effectively. If you are offering the same training program to every member of staff regardless of rank, it’s easier to have everyone working together on the same page. As a company, you cannot afford to skimp on the training that you give to your employees so it’s important to identify a solid strategy with training and where you intend for each employee to go with it. So, how do you implement a good, strong training program in the workplace for new members of staff?

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Identify Goals. Having a general training plan will be the very basic requirement for the way your office runs and something you should have in place. The goals that you need to identify are individual to each employee and department. You need to know what your people already know and that can help you guide your training plan in the right direction. It’s an important part of setting a training schedule, so don’t skip this step.

Develop Resources. When you’re giving training, you need to put together the right resources to assist you in your efforts to train new staff. This means getting outside assistance from companies sometimes, or even bringing in someone to do the training for you. Having an expert in the field you are training in giving the lessons you need to impart not only frees up your time, it means you’re giving effective training.

Employee Input. You’re not likely to ask someone you’re interviewing to contribute to the training program you have in place. However, by asking your current staff for their input and opinion on the training you give, you can tailor your program and make it more specific to the right teams. You’ll always have a final say over the curriculum you put in place, but knowing the topics that will help your staff grow can only help your training style improve. There is so much value in their input as they are and have been on the receiving end of the training you give.

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Employee training has and always will be designed to better the experiences and careers of the people you employ. You want to equip your employees with the right skills for your business and the knowledge that you impart onto them doesn’t just benefit your business, but it increases the chances of your employees staying with your business. Ultimately, effective training benefits you as a business owner more than it benefits your employees. Sure, you want to help them further their knowledge but the bottom line has to be that your company profits from employees who know how to problem-solve in your industry. By implementing and enforcing a rigorous training program, you are increasing the odds that your employees will be able to take action with the knowledge they have received and be set up for success. This type of success is what everyone wants!