Coffee Break

Step By Step, Business By Business

Many people dream of the opportunity to start and run their own business. Often it all starts with just that one idea. That simple thought that ignites the fire in your mind and gives you a sense of passion and drive to make it into a reality. Of course, for some people, this just remains the dream. Just think how many lightbulb ideas we could all be missing out on in our day to day lives. For some, the reason why it doesn’t go any further than an idea is because they have no clue what to do or where to start. I wanted to share with you a step by step guide to creating the basis for starting your own business. After that, it’s up to you to take that leap of faith.

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Are you passionate about it?

For many, starting a business is hard work. It takes time, effort, funding and a whole host of your time. If you don’t love what you do or feel passionate about it then all of the above is going to takes it toll. You have to love what you do, and enjoy it. Feel the excitement of every second, minute and hour worked on it is taking you in the right direction.

Do you feel like there is any study or research you could do?

Often, some people feel more confident if they feel they have some former grounding of knowledge. Which is why so many people decide to take on degrees in economics, business, and finance to ensure that they have the knowledge behind them. Some people even go on to take an additional mba online to further develop their business skills. This not only gives you knowledge, but also experience and networking opportunities.

Take baby steps

It is so tempting to just take that plunge and jump right in, but this essentially is why so many start-up businesses fail in the first year of trading. Risk management is an essential part of starting up your own business, so take the time to take those baby steps and really work on every ounce of your idea before launching with all your eggs in one basket.

Learn from others and absorb knowledge around you

There will be people around you, perhaps in a similar industry, niche or sector that are full of knowledge and experience. Absorb it. Network and be around them. Discuss ideas and gain understanding and connections.

Can you self-promote?

Confidence is one of the attributes that with the right amount can see you far. However, too much confidence can be your downfall. Self-promotion is a great way to get yourself heard and networking events and through social media is a great way to do it. But ensure that you remain humble as there is always something to learn and improve upon.

Do you have a plan?

Finally, make sure you have some form of plan in place to make sure that you know each and every step you plan to take when it comes to your new business venture. This is when a business plan can be formed.

Now all you have to do is go for it.