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Carrying Out Market Research That Actually Works

As a business owner you know exactly what you need to do in order to grow and scale your business. If you don’t know what your potential customers are looking for, how are you going to solve their problems and cure their pain points? If you’re looking to transform your business from mediocre to marvellous, you need to carry out market research that actually works. Learning from the people who are going to invest in your products and services will work wonders for your business in the long run. If you’re not sure where to begin, here are a few ways in which you can begin your market research journey.

Forms and Surveys

One of the most effective ways to carry out market research is through detailed forms and surveys. The main advantage of this is that you can actually pick up on the real language that your ideal customer is using. When you choose particular words and phrases in your marketing campaigns that resonate with your target audience, you are more likely to grab their attention and make a sale. Organizing the data from your market research might be a challenge, which is where document automation comes in very useful. A streamlined system like this makes it very easy to collate your responses to market research in a quick and simple way.

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Social Media Polls

A very speed way to secure responses to your burning questions is through social media polls. Instagram stories and Facebook allows you to create very easy polls for your followers and clients. Make sure you keep a note of who replies to your polls frequently as this information will be like gold dust when you come to pitch a sale to your ideal clients.

Phone Calls

A lot of business owners dislike getting on the phone with their potential customers but there is so much value to this. You can gain a tonne of information from a simple twenty minute phone call with your ideal client. Offer them a freebie in return for their time so that you know they are going to follow through with their offer.


Customer testimonials are incredibly valuable when it comes to growing your business and improving it too. Take on board every single piece of advice or criticism from your clients and look for trends amongst the reviews. This will give you a good idea of what you need to change in the future.

As soon as you have gathered plenty of information from your potential audience, you will have a much clearer idea of where your business is going. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to make sense out of all of these answers, but it will all become clear sooner than you think. Working towards your business goals can only be achieved by carrying out this vital research. Piecing together the jigsaw will make your visions and ideas come into fruition, so why not start today? Whether you’re using surveys, polls or phone interviews you can carry out market research that actually works for your business.