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Hacks to make student life easier

The life of a student challenging with them having to balance school and social lie. These are both important aspects of a student’s life however one can get lost in one aspect causing them to completely neglect the other. A student can find joy and confidence if they can maneuver between the two worlds. has a ton of essays with tips to make a student’s life easier.


Make yourself look super prepared in group presentations.

Group presentations are part of studying intended to promote teamwork and confidence in front of people. Presentations can be nerve-wracking but there are hacks for students that can make you ready to face your classmates.

  1. Understanding the project.

Readiness and confidence can be attributed to the student having a fluent understanding of the project. This ensures that one can speak with conviction and avoid second-guessing themselves.

  1. Consider the audience

The audience can influence the way you tailor your presentation. You should put into consideration the level of knowledge they have on the topic when you are doing the project. Also, the language technicalities being used matters for instance, if you are presenting to a fellow student in engineering, you can use hard terms. But if you are doing a presentation to secondary students, the terminologies you use need to be understandable to them.

Use essay writing services to save your time

Assignments offer a considerable challenge to students and they can take up most of their time. Doing the assignment personally is advisable because you can best offer your perspective on a topic in the essay however, writing services can be useful to save time and meet deadlines. From top resume writing services to professional essay writers, students can look to them to help in the completion of assignments and projects.

Make a visual shopping list.

Students need amenities to help them get through the day. Studying and social life can take up the majority of the students thinking and they may forget to do the needed shopping. Creating a visual shopping list is an important campus life hack as it will act as a constant reminder of the items that need restocking. Also, the visual shopping list will enable the student to better manage their finances because they will have a physical audit of what they spent their money on.

Keep your schedule handy

As mentioned before, the life of a student is demanding and one can get lost between the different worlds. Having a ready schedule will guide a student on what activities they are supposed to accomplish by the end of a certain day. A schedule is also important in time management of the student as it ensures they do not miss classes, makes time to study and have more time left for sleep and leisure with friends. can help with your scheduling needs.

Freshen up your room.

A student spends a lot of time in their rooms either reading or relaxing. The condition of one’s room can impact the concentration and mood of a student. Here are 5 life hacks for students that will leave your bedroom smelling fresh.

  • Cleaning the bedsheets.
  • Eliminating odor from foods, marijuana or cigarette smoke and garbage
  • Opening windows.
  • Using air fresheners.
  • Avoid wearing shoes inside the room.

Use resume services to find a job that could be mixed with education

Students need a bit of pocket money to fund other activities outside education. Getting a job that does not compromise the education schedule of a student is recommended not only to earn the money but teach them sole life lessons and a sense of responsibility. Jobs require resumes and one can seek help from top resume writing services to make sure they present a professionally written resume.

Get creative to find sources.

Assignments require the student to provide the source from which they have obtained the information they use. A student must avoid committing plagiarism of any kind as dishonesty can nullify their paper or worse their degree. Therefore, you can find creative ways to use academic sources and ensure you have credited them for using their work.

Listen to your paper to find mistakes.

This is a technique that can be applied during proofreading the paper. By reading it out loud, you can hear your paper from another person’s perspectives and correct the mistakes.

Bribe yourself with treats.

Students deserve fun and rest after hard weeks of the study therefore you should consider spoiling yourself responsibly once in a while. Treats distract from the studies for a little while and it’s been a useful technique to make my life easier.

Use apps and services for studying

Writing services such as Edujungles have their services available in apps and can help greatly with studying. For scheduling purposes, you can utilize Evernote, a note-taking app.



A student that has found the perfect way to balance school work and social life is more productive. This is because they afford everything their time and do them with efficiency. The student should understand themselves first then create a system that works for them by using the above tips.