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5 Ways to Attract the Best Employees for Your Business

If you already own your own business, or you plan on getting a startup off the ground soon, you probably have made a list of what you’ll need. That list might include funding, physical resources to make your products, and transportation to ship your goods. You’ll doubtless need a company website and social media representation.

In addition to all that, you’ll need some of the best and most qualified workers to fill all critical positions. You’re not going to be able to run the company on your own, and you want the best individuals for the job that you can find. But how can you hire the best workers possible?

Let’s look at ways you can attract some highly qualified candidates.

You Can Offer Excellent Benefits

You can have just about any business model. Maybe you’re offering eLearning tools or selling patio furniture. Whatever products you make or services you offer, though, you can probably fill your positions with the best candidates if you provide a great benefits package.

Healthcare plans should be right at the top of the list. Many individuals want to get healthcare through their work, so you should make sure that the plans you offer are with a reputable, well-known company, like Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, MVP, etc.

You also might offer a 401K plan where you match funds up to a certain point. You can give your employees yearly bonuses. You might even try something more unconventional, like giving all your workers gym memberships so they can stay fit and healthy.

You Might Allow as Many of Your Employees to Work from Home as Possible

During the pandemic, many individuals tried working from home for the first time, and lots of them say they enjoy it. Very few of them are going to want to come back to work in physical offices again. They don’t want to brave the commute twice each day, and they like working in their sweat pants.

There is no reason not to let them work from home unless you have a company that needs them to be physically present. If any of them can work from home and still get their jobs done, let them do that. You will be a very popular company based on that reason alone.

You Can Give Them Plenty of Vacation Time

You can give your workers plenty of vacation time every year. You can start them off with a couple of weeks, but tell them they will get more the longer they’re with the company. You should pay them during that time off as well.

Many studies show that if workers don’t have to put as many hours in per week, and they get plenty of vacation time, they’re happier and more inclined to stay with the company longer. If you want your workers to stay with you long term, you have to avoid overworking them and allow them frequent vacations.

You Can Guarantee Them Yearly Raises

You can also tell your workers that if they’re loyal to the company, they can expect raises every year. Maybe start them with a five percent yearly raise, with an opportunity for more robust wages if they reach the goals you set for them.

If you let worker wages stay stagnant, that will lead to them looking for other and better opportunities. Again, you want to encourage worker loyalty, and one of the best ways to do that is to let them know how much you appreciate them.

If you can keep your workers long term, you can promote from within. You want to do that whenever you can because that way, you won’t lose much time to the interviewing and onboarding processes.

Scour Job Fairs and Online Sites

You can actively look for the best workers when you have positions to fill instead of waiting for them to come to you. You can do that by frequenting job sites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Monster.

You can also set up shop at job fairs. If you know that some of the workers in your niche spend time there, you should have a presence and be ready to snatch up some of the likeliest candidates before a competitor gets them.

You can also look for candidates on college campuses. Do some headhunting if you feel like you can find some individuals there who will want to enter your industry and are about to graduate and join the job market.