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How to Quit Your Job: Leave Without Feeling Guilty

If you’re a dedicated worker and a professional it’s hard to quit your job and not feel guilty. You’re likely to be worried about whether your employer has a suitable replacement, how your colleagues will react, and a dozen other things.

This is a normal reaction and illustrates how much you care about the job and the people you work with. Of course, if you’re being forced out and feel there is no other option, you’ll need to speak to an unfair dismissal lawyer. It’s not just about compensation for being unfairly treated, it’s about stopping the same thing from happening to others.

However, if leaving is your decision then you’re more likely to feel guilt. Fortunately, you can leave without feeling guilty.

Maximize Your Notice

The first step is to look at how much notice your contract says you need to give. This varies according to the business and how long you’ve worked there. Naturally, the less notice you give the less time the employer has to find and train a replacement.

That’s why you need to give them as much notice as possible. This will allow them to get adverts out and find a replacement, hopefully in time for you to help train them.

Train Your Replacement Well

Even if you have limited time with a replacement, take pride in training them. You’ll need to commit to verifying they know everything they need to. In most cases, your replacement should have a basic knowledge of what you do, making training them easier.

Create A Manual

If you don’t have enough time to train them fully then make some time to create a manual. This can be helpful even if you have fully trained them.

The manual should be detailed and easy to use, almost allowing anyone to do your job. This will be a useful guide for your replacement, allowing them to understand how things are done before they change any methods.

Keep It Light

Don’t get bogged down in the fact that you’re leaving. Instead, keep a positive attitude every day. Your co-workers will remember you this way and getting stressed isn’t going to help anyone.

As a bonus, keeping it friendly and light while you work your notice means you’re not burning any bridges. You never know if you’ll need a job with the company again or when your paths will cross. By leaving on good terms you’ll make it easier to not feel guilty and deal with the business in the future.

Have An Open Conversation

Although you don’t want to dwell on leaving it’s a good idea to have an open conversation before you go. This is when everyone you work with has the opportunity to address concerns or make comments. This can help you resolve issues and feel appreciated. While this could increase your guilt level, it’s an important step in closure, allowing you to move on and give your all to your new employer.

It can also help you improve at work and socially.