Coffee Break

What Precautions Should Be Taken While Using Aerosol Cans?

Over 250 million aerosol cans are used worldwide in homes and offices each year, with more than half of those consumed by Australians alone. We use shaving cream, paint, industrial solvents, antibiotics, aerosols for cars, and insecticides on a daily basis. But what precisely are aerosol cans? And how should they be used most safely?

Any time you use an aerosol can, you must always be careful. When handled incorrectly, aerosols can be more dangerous than initially thought, with temperature changes as the primary culprit in accidents. Aerosol cans are classified as the highest level of aerosol hazards, so safety precautions must always come first. Please read the safety tips for aerosol cans below.

Tips For Safe Aerosol Cans Use

Aerosols contain a variety of chemical vapors that should not be inhaled. You can complete your project using various options without endangering your health. You can avoid breathing in fumes by using one of the many respiratory aids that are available. Numerous home improvement stores sell these. Make sure you thoroughly research each candidate to determine which is best for the task you are taking on.

·        Keep Children Away

The availability of aerosol products is widespread in both residential and commercial settings. Ensure to keep children out of the way when using aerosols at home. Avoid smoking before, during, and immediately after using aerosol products.

·        Heat

Any heat source, such as sunlight, sparks, and fire, should be kept away from aerosol cans. To lessen the chance of a fire, we also advise turning off appliances like stoves, electric tools, and radiators. We advise keeping your aerosols away from any ignition source because something as small as a cigarette spark could result in an accident.

·        Ventilation

It is suggested that the area in which you work is well ventilated. This can be accomplished by installing tools like air vents and fan systems, opening windows, or working outside. Keep the windows open to allow for ventilation.

·        Exposed Surfaces

It can be simple to overlook the chemical exposure of rags, clothing, work surfaces, and other items when you are busy working with aerosol cans. The chemicals on your clothing, tools, and workspace should be considered even after cleaning. A flame or other heat source, such as the scorching sun, should not be approached while wearing a uniform.

·        Damaged Cans

Given the possibility of leakage or compression, we strongly advise against using damaged aerosol cans. Damaged cans might leak chemicals that could harm your health, and compression can increase the can’s internal pressure to dangerously high levels.

Bottom Line

Aerosol cans shouldn’t be sprayed on or close to a fire, nor should they be thrown away. The aerosol can still has the potential to explode or harm people even when it is empty. Never drill a hole in an aerosol can because the aerosol cans can still be under pressure. Keep aerosols out of direct sunlight in a secure, cool location. The can might blow up as a result of indirect heat.