Coffee Break

The pros and cons of fixed-rate vs. variable-rate energy

Navigating the world of energy plans can be like choosing between coffee or tea in the afternoon—each has its own appeal, depending on what you’re in the mood for. When it comes to powering your home or business, the choice often boils down to fixed-rate versus variable-rate energy plans. Both have their perks and quirks. So, let’s sit down, imagine we’re chatting over a cup of your preferred beverage, and delve into the pros and cons of these two types of energy plans.

Fixed-rate energy plans – the consistent choice

Imagine locking in the price of your coffee at your favourite café for a year, regardless of whether the cost of coffee beans goes up or down. That’s the essence of a fixed-rate energy plan. So, for instance, if you look at fixed plans by AGL, Origin Energy or any other provider, the rates will remain the same irrespective of the cost of electricity.



Just like knowing exactly how much your coffee will cost each day, a fixed-rate plan means your energy rate won’t change for the duration of your contract. Budgeting becomes a breeze when you can anticipate your monthly energy costs without worrying about market volatility.

Peace of mind

There’s a comfort in predictability. With a fixed-rate plan, you’re insulated from the ups and downs of energy prices, which can fluctuate due to natural disasters, market demand, or changes in supply. It’s like having an all-weather coat; no matter the storm, you’re covered.


Locked-in rates

What if energy prices suddenly drop? If you’re on a fixed-rate plan and energy prices plummet, you’ll still pay the agreed-upon rate, potentially missing out on lower prices.

Early termination fees

Deciding you want to switch plans or providers before your contract ends could mean facing penalties. It’s akin to a cancellation fee for a year-long gym membership you’re trying to exit early.

Variable-rate energy plans – the flexible alternative

Now, imagine if the price of your coffee changed daily, reflecting the cost of beans, labour, and other factors. That’s the world of variable-rate energy plans—exciting for some, nerve-wracking for others.


Market-price advantage

In times when energy supply exceeds demand or prices generally dip, you could pay less than those locked into a fixed-rate plan. It’s like catching a flash sale at your favourite store.

No long-term commitment

Variable plans often come without the long contracts and early termination fees associated with fixed-rate plans. This flexibility is perfect for those who prefer not to be tied down or are in transitional life stages.


Price uncertainty

Just as the market price of coffee can fluctuate, so too can your energy bill. This can make budgeting challenging, as your bill might spike due to factors beyond your control.

Monitoring market rates

To truly benefit from a variable-rate plan, you might need to keep an eye on energy market trends. This requires a bit more engagement and understanding of the energy sector, which not everyone is keen on.

Going through your options

Choosing between fixed-rate and variable-rate energy plans is about balancing your desire for predictability against your appetite for risk and flexibility. Before you switch to save, consider your household’s energy consumption patterns, budgetary constraints, and how closely you’re willing to monitor energy market trends.

If you cherish stability and predictable budgeting over potentially lower prices, a fixed-rate plan could be your cup of tea (or coffee). On the flip side, if you’re all about catching the best deals and are comfortable with a bit of unpredictability, a variable-rate plan might just be your brew.

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer here. It’s about what fits your lifestyle and household income and how you feel about risk versus reward. Much like choosing between a bold espresso or a smooth latte, the best choice depends on your personal taste and needs.

The takeaway

As we finish our chat (and perhaps our drink), the takeaway is that both fixed-rate and variable-rate energy plans have their merits and drawbacks. The key is understanding your own priorities and how they align with what each type of plan offers. Whether you go for the stability of a fixed-rate plan or the flexibility of a variable-rate plan, making an informed choice will ensure that when it comes to your energy needs, you’re getting the flavour that suits you best.

So, here’s to making choices that energise your life in the best possible way!