Tag - bills

Coffee Break

5 Tips To Reduce Your Debts This Year

pexels Once you’re in debt, it can be challenging to improve your financial health and get back on track. Your income will only stretch so far, and in the meantime, growing interest rates only make things worse. Luckily, there is plenty you can do...

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Coffee Break

Pursuing a New Career Path

Image Credit When it comes to careers, most of us tend to follow a singular path. We’ll leave school and either head straight into a position that offers on-the-job training, or we’ll continue to university, where we’ll gain the necessary...

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Coffee Break

Make More Of Your Income Today

Many of us will agree that we would love to be able to stretch our monthly income even more than we do now. Things can be tight when it comes to the household budget. However, there are some things we can do to help improve our current status, maybe...

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Coffee Break

Going Green On The Cheap As A Business

Offices, factories, and other industrial spaces usually lack an important consideration in their design and construction; the environment. Unfortunately, when businesses first set out to build their premises, the costs involved make it hard to think...

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