Coffee Break

Three Vital Things You Need To Instill In Your New Employees

Running your own business may start out as a solo job. Perhaps you have worked in offices and in teams for all your life, and you wanted the opportunity to focus on your own endeavours for a while. If you’re something of an introvert, running your own business and working for yourself is a great way to max out your full potential. But, as demand for your company grows, so does its need to expand internally too. It is at this point where you may have to consider hiring some employees of your own. This can be a scary prospect. After all, you may never have actually been someone’s boss before, and it can be strange to suddenly be in a position of power. Plus, your business is likely to be something you keep close to your heart. Letting other people into work on your project can be nerve wracking. But, as long as you teach them all the basics from day one, you can’t go wrong. Here’s what you need to have ticked off your list when training new employees.


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How they benefit the business

Much of the time, employees can feel like a pawn in the game. Not only are they being paid much less than the business owner, but they may feel as though they are not given much responsibility. Some may even feel as though the job they do is little more than menial. Employees thrive off of knowing that they have a purpose. If they don’t know what their purpose is, it can be detrimental to both their self esteem and to your company as a whole. Explain to them clearly from their first day what their role is and how it impacts the final product that your business creates. Giving your staff a sense of worth and responsibility means they are more likely to take their role seriously and thus put in more effort.

Health and safety rules

This may sound basic, but if you’re not teaching your employees health and safety rules as soon as they join the company, you’re doing something wrong. Even if you work in an office, there are certain things they need to know, such as fire escape routes and what to do in an emergency. Health and safety training is especially vital if the company you run requires a certain amount of physical labor – such as if you run a factory, or a building site.

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Where the company is trying to move forward

It is vital to outline your current position as a company and where you want to be in the future to all your employees. This way, everyone in the team will all be on the same page, and it will be much easier for you all to move forward together. This also gives your staff a clear indicator of what it will take for them to progress internally, if that is something that they wish to do. Encourage your employees to climb the career ladder and see what they can bring to help the business achieve even more.