Pure Hydration, the UK’s world-leading water purification experts of personal, military and humanitarian aid equipment, have launched a Kickstarter project to develop its existing proven technology to meet the latest US military standards for an Individual Water Purification Device (IWPD).

Pure Hydration is the trading name of BW Technologies Ltd of the UK, and has been inventing solutions advancing water purification technology for more than twenty years. Formed in 1994 by Jon Grant, an engineer with an interest in chemistry, their systems are endorsed by the Hospital of Tropical Diseases London and are in extensive use by the UK Ministry of Defence, armed forces internationally, aid organisations and emergency services worldwide, and for personal use. In short, Pure Hydration provides the world with personal water filtration, emergency water filtration, and in-home water filtration, instantly, on-demand.
The company’s first product, the AquaPure Traveller bottle, is now one of over ten approved products. A fuller catalogue of products can be found online at www.purehydration.com.
Jon Grant, founder of the company stated “Since we started the company over decade ago we have helped provide safe and pure water for customers from walkers and leisure enthusiasts to those in the direst needs of clean water through humanitarian aid. To say that our products have assisted in saving the lives of 10,000s would be an understatement. Our Kickstarter project will help us develop our working prototypes of the Sentinel InLine Individual Water Purification Device, and get them formally approved against a standard called NSF International Protocol P248 to demonstrate that they meet military requirements.”

Based on the EPA Guide Standard and Protocols for Testing Microbiological Purifiers, P248 was developed by the U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventative Medicine (ACHPPM) and NSF International to provide military personal with access to IWPDs that offer improved protection against waterborne microbiological pathogens in drinking water during field deployment operations.
Pure Hydration is an established developer and manufacturer of innovative IWPDs to the international humanitarian emergency aid, military, outdoor activities, and travel health markets. The company is based in Farnham in Surrey, England.
For full details of the Sentinel InLine Kickstarter project visit: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/246738048/pure-hydration-sentinel-individual-water-purificat
Trading name of BW Technologies Ltd registered in England and Wales (03925108).
Website: www.purehydration.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/purehydration
Twitter: @PureTraveller
YouTube: www.youtube.com/purehydration