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How to write effective landing pages

Do your research about the customers
In order to really understand your target client, you have to perform a very deep research.
This may include:

  • Interviewing people
  • Mining related forums, book reviews, product/service reviews
  • Recording product first use
  • Performing content audits
  • Performing user-tests
  • Surveying people
  • Sending emails

After that, analyze all of your materials and look out for repeated patterns, words and pain points.
You’ll never know how to write a landing page properly, if you don’t take your time to follow these steps thoroughly or you can turn to qualified content writing services.

Landing page copywriting tips

Use testimonials
Think for a moment: wouldn’t it be amazing if someone wrote powerful copy for you for free?
Wait a minute…
…but that’s exactly what your happy customers do!
Ask some of your customers to leave a feedback about your product/service and put the best ones on your landing page.

More benefits (improvements in your customer‘s life), less features (aka details about the product/service)
People don’t care if an iPhone has a 2.0GHz or a 2.4GHz processor, they want to know about the cool experiences they can have with it

Craft a killer headline
Modern readers often scan the landing page and don’t actually read it thoroughly. That’s why it’s important to know how to write landing page headlines. Focus your copy-powers on these things:

  • Headline
  • Subheadline
  • Call-to-Action buttons

And don’t forget to choose pictures that show benefits.

Keep it simple
An error that many people do is to use fancy language to write “cool” copy. But the goal of your landing page is not to be “cool”, your goal is to sell.
And in order to do that, you must keep your sentences short and extremely easy to understand. That means also avoiding clichés and jargon. If you feel like some words are unnecessary, they almost certainly are. So, change them.

Sound like a human
Write like a human being, not like a robot, because this will help you connect with your audience. The more they’ll feel that on the other side there’s a real person, the better your landing page will convert. Plain and simple.

  • To humanize your copy follow these tips:
  • Write in a conversational tone
  • Use the simplest words you can
  • Use a bit of humor when you feel like it
  • Break grammar rules if you feel that it helps the “natural flow”
  • Write expressions like “wow”, “seriously”, etc.

Be specific
Using specific numbers and metrics will make you more persuasive. Check these two sentences:

  • We’ll generate you tons of leads
  • With this pricing plan, we generate our clients 34 leads a month on average

The specificity of the second one, makes it way more believable.

Ask them to buy
Many people are afraid to openly ask their audience to buy. But…surprise surprise, the goal of your copy IS to make people buy.
Since every previous part of your copy must lead to the final call-to-action, don’t have any fear of it

A/B test your copy
Bring changes to your copy and test what converts better. Be methodic and make one change at a time.

As you can see, writing a killer landing page requires some time, excellent writing skills and a good understanding of your customers’ mind. Be patient, try your best and the results will come.
However, if you don’t have the time to learn how to write seo landing pages, it would be wise to rely on content writing services.
They could save you lots of time and bring you more money.