Coffee Break

4 Marketing Strategies Worth Your Money in 2020

Starting a business no matter how big or how small, it takes a lot of time and energy – but what’s even harder is reaching the top and trying to remain there. Marketing is one of the key things that will transform your business, you can sell a great product or offer a good service, but if that content doesn’t reach anyone, you won’t have to whom to sell it to! Your customers are like bricks, and you are building your business using them! That’s why you should most definitely step up your game in 2020 and try to reach as many potential customers as possible. Here are 4 marketing strategies to try that will certainly pay off in the long run!

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  1. Have a Good Website

First and foremost, everything starts with a website – no matter what stage of business building you are, you can always improve and better your website! This obviously goes beyond a clean-cut interface and a good looking font, sure those things are important, but what’s more important is the technicalities of the website itself. If you really want to step up your game and let people know your business exists, you need to start by using SEO services and making your website mobile-friendly. When people search stuff up, they tend to grab their phone, also by using SEO, you can modify the keywords and drive customers straight to your company! Having a good website only for the desktop limits you in many ways and it also cuts a big chunk of possible customers, same goes with keywords – the more precise you are, the more customers you’ll bring to the table!

  1. Social Media

It’s truly a customer’s world, and it’s just getting more and more competitive! One of the pros of living in this day and age is how the information travels fast and how things are easily accessible, marketing on social media is the best way to reach a lot of people! But this comes with its set of cons as well, as the market is overflowing with products and services you’ll need to step up your game! Having a creative idea of how to do it and also having a schedule when to post will surely drive the traffic to your website in no time! Having a  social media presence where a customer can directly open your website and shop around is key! But, if running a business on Instagram or Twitter just isn’t your thing, working with public figures might be your best bet!

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  1. Blogs

Turns out people like to listen to bloggers and learn more about the product before they make the big purchase – and honestly, who doesn’t? Using blogs to promote your business is super easy, lots of people are open to work and try out your stuff. That’s the beauty of the internet, there are people who literally try out stuff and write reviews about them! This is actually pretty popular and a lot of brands and companies work with all sorts and kinds of influencers and bloggers, sometimes it’s a collaboration and sometimes it’s just a sponsored post. This is a bit less aggressive approach, if you don’t like to use social media and promote your brand – just let other people do it for you!

  1. Understand Your Customers

Lastly, the best way to market your business the right way is if you know who you are marketing to! This might be difficult, especially if you are selling a product or a service that’s meant for a larger pool of people. As condescending as that sounds, it’s actually true if you are catering for a small, super-specific age and gender group, you’ll get away with marketing your business in one or two ways. But if you have a large customer pool, you’ll need to be more creative. Investing in different forms of marketing, like filming videos will be pretty lucrative as a lot of people are familiar with that type of content. Basically, your best bet would be investing in a variety of different marketing forms and understanding what the customers might want to see and like.

We live in a digital era, everyone has access to the internet, so why not use it to your advantage? The market is overflowing with all sorts and kinds of products and services and the only thing that will play into what business blossoms and what doesn’t is the way the product gets marketed and how many people it reaches! When it comes to this, think outside the box, be creative, but also keep an eye out on your competition, see what world for them and try the same with your business!