Coffee Break

Five Tips for Keeping You and Your Passenger Comfortable on Your Motorcycle

There are a lot of great reasons to ride a motorcycle instead of driving a car. It’s better for the environment, gas is a lot cheaper, and it can be a lot of fun too!

The one complaint many riders have is that it can sometimes be quite uncomfortable. Not only can it be uncomfortable for the driver, but it can also be uncomfortable for your passenger.

It doesn’t have to be! Enjoy everything riding a motorcycle has to offer, and stay comfortable while doing it, by following the tips on this list.


Choose the Right Helmets

It’s important to wear a helmet if the law requires it where you live, but even if you can legally operate your motorcycle without one, you should wear one anyway. In any kind of accident, you will be the one sustaining the most injuries, as the injuries you sustain on a bike can be devastating compared to getting into the same accident when driving a car. By wearing a helmet, and making your passenger wear one, you could be saving your lives.

If you don’t like wearing a helmet, it might be because you are wearing the wrong one. Even if it costs more money, you should not only find a helmet that fits your head comfortably, you should also choose one you like. If you like the way your helmet looks and feels, you’ll be more likely to wear it.

Wear the Right Clothes

It’s important to wear the right motorcycle gear while you’re riding. Not only can it keep you safe in the event of an accident, but the right clothes can keep you more comfortable too.

Some types of clothes that will make riding more comfortable include:

  • Long, high-waisted pants
  • Shirts that are long enough to be tucked in
  • Closed toed shoes

Knowing what to wear also means knowing what not to wear. Jewelry can cause a lot of trouble when it’s whipping in the wind, so tuck in your necklace and take off dangly earrings. If you have long hair, you will want to tie it back or wear a head scarf.

Heat Things Up

If you’re riding in the summer, the wind in your face will feel great. That’s not the case if the temperature is chilly, especially since things can get cold fast when you’re driving at high speeds.

It’s important to know how to stay warm if the weather is forecasted to be chilly. That means wearing a comfortable jacket and long pants that are windproof, but you can stay even warmer if you wear heated gloves. Heated socks can keep your feet warm, while hand warmers can be placed in pockets to keep your body warm. Wearing a helmet with a face shield can also be extremely helpful when battling the wind.

Use Seat Pads

Motorcycle seats can be misleading. When you first sit down, it can feel quite comfortable, but while you’re driving, you may realize that seat isn’t quite as comfortable as you thought. If it’s not worth your time and money to replace the seat completely, use seat pads instead.

There are many pads to choose from, enabling you to find one that will allow you to ride comfortably for many hours at a time. If you frequently ride with a passenger, let them pick out their own pad, or let them help you pick out a new pad that is big enough for the both of you.

Agree on Communication Signals

Learning hand signals is extremely important if you ride a motorcycle so other people on the road know where you’re turning, but it isn’t just other people in traffic that you have to learn how to communicate with. You have to figure out how to communicate with your passenger too!

Motorcycles can be loud, so you probably aren’t going to be able to communicate with each other by talking. Instead, agree on communication signals to use while riding. A squeeze on the arm could mean you need to stop somewhere to go to the bathroom, while a squeeze on the shoulder could mean it’s time to find a bite to eat. Create signals that work for you!

Riding a motorcycle can be a lot of fun, especially if you get to share the experience with a passenger! Just make sure that fun isn’t dashed because you’re uncomfortable. When you plan ahead, you’ll stay comfortable on your bike, even during long road trips.