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What Not to Miss When Considering Tyre Maintenance?

Are you thinking about the possibility of going away for the weekend, to the beach or a long-distance trip? Before doing that, it’s highly recommended that you check your tyres. In addition to that, regular tyre maintenance can help to minimize the chances of facing an expensive problem or dangerous accident. Let’s take a look and 7 critical things to consider when it comes to tyre maintenance.

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1) Tyre Pressure

According to statistics, only 12% of drivers know how to check the pressure accurately. What’s the importance of adequate inflation? For starters, 1.2 billion gallons of fuel gets wasted on a yearly basis as a result of under-inflated tyres. Secondly, the Department of Energy has stated that drivers can improve their vehicles’ fuel efficiency by using properly inflated tyres. In addition to that, statistics also indicate that for every one psi drop in tyre pressure that your tyres experience, it leads to .2 % lower gas mileage. When you multiply that by four, you can see how it could end up costing you hundreds of dollars per year.

2) Tyre Rotation

Most vehicles carry the most weight at the front portions. As such, front tyres tend to wear out much faster than rear tyres. Tyre rotation services can help prevent uneven wear, which will extend the life of your tyres. In general, drivers are encouraged to get their tyres rotated for every 5000 – 8000 miles that they drive. But, the exact number is stated in each vehicle owner’s manual.

3) Tread Inspection

One of the most overlooked aspects of maintaining a vehicle’s tyres in good condition is the tyre tread. Tyres need excellent tread condition so that they can sustain traction when it comes to driving on icy and wet roads. This in itself is especially important during the winter season, where weather conditions drastically fluctuate from week to week.

The tyre treads should be checked by a professional at least once per month to evaluate if the tread is experiencing excessive or uneven wear.

4) Do Not Overload Your Vehicle

Most drivers never think about the impact that an overloaded vehicle can have on their tyres. But, overloading your vehicle can lead to excessive heat inside your vehicle’s tyres. When you overload your vehicle, you essentially put an abundance of stress on your tyres which, over time, can damage them and ultimately cause them to fail.

Most manufacturers have a clear outline of load recommendations found in the manual. In the event that you may need a new tyre, there are various online sellers that provide excellent tyre deals.

5) Tyre Alignment

As you drive, if you hit a pothole or curb even one time, this can cause your front end to force out of alignment, which can cause damages to your tyres. Misalignment of your vehicle’s front or rear wheels can cause rapid and uneven tread wear and can only be corrected by a professional tyre dealer.

If you drive a vehicle that has independent rear suspension or front-wheel-drive, it’s worth noting that vehicles of those nature are especially prone to encountering issues if all four tyres are not properly aligned.

As such, you will need to check your alignment from time to time as well as to get them checked if you notice signs of misalignment such as constant vibration or pulling.

6) Tyre Balancing

If you notice that there’s a high amount of vibration in the floorboard, seat or steering wheel, you may need to get your tyres balanced. Daily use of your vehicle can cause tyres to experience significant changes with the distribution of the vehicle’s weight. This is something that happens to every car. While most owners never address it, it can cause uneven tyre wear and vibration in the seat, floorboard and wheel.

Tyre balancing can help provide a more comfortable and smoother ride and reduce both tread wear and tyre wear. Besides that, it can help to prolong the life of your car’s suspension. Most tyre dealers proclaim that tyres should be balanced every 2,800 – 4,000 miles.

 8) Visually Check Your Tyres For Punctures

While some aspects of maintaining your tyres are best left to a professional, there are several proactive things you can do to ascertain that your tyres continue to run in tip-top shape: visually inspect your tyres daily. Most experts recommend that you visually inspect your tyres’ state, even if you recently brought it to a tyre professional.

This is because as you drive, your rims may get cracks, objects could get lodged and puncture the tyre, which causes uneven tread wear. Many drivers ended up in a situation where their tyres exploded as they were driving because they did not notice that a small object such as a nail was lodged into their tyres.