Tag - pressure

Coffee Break

6 Tips for Handling a Tire Blowout

Early in his journalism career, Kerry L. Tucker had a revelation: there were not enough experts reporting on law issues. Legal matters are part of daily life. Yet, there seems to be a general aversion towards them. One of the main reasons for this...

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Coffee Break

Mastering The Art Of Escapism

In the twenty first century, it can be challenging to find the time to take a break from our busy and stressful lives. We often feel like we are on the go twenty four seven with very little space for personal or relaxing pursuits. You might have a...

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Coffee Break

Mistakes Made When Buying a New Car

Image source – If you are looking for a new vehicle, there are lots of things you need to take into account. A lot of people make the mistake of diving in because they are in a rush. They then end up with a car that is not suitable for them...

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