Coffee Break

3 Tips For Keeping Your Car Cool In The Summer

Since many places around the world are still experiencing record-breaking heat this summer, it’s important that those who aren’t used to living in the heat learn how to stay cool and keep themselves safe in this type of weather. And while you might have found ways to stay cool in your home or at work, keeping your car cool might be a different story.

If you have air conditioning in your car, this likely isn’t a big issue for you. But whether you have a/c or not, if your car has been sitting in the hot sun for a while, the interior of your car can be way hotter than it even is outside, which can make drives very uncomfortable and even dangerous. So to help avoid big issues like this, here are three tips for keeping your car cool in the summer. 

Reflect Back The Sunlight

Regardless of what the temperature is set to reach, if you live in an area that gets a lot of sunlight or that is forecasted to have a lot of sunny days, it may pay to invest in a reflector to keep in your car.

By putting a reflector in the windshield or on the other windows of your car, you’ll be able to block out a lot of the sun’s rays that beam down into and onto your car, which cause it to heat up very quickly. These rays can make it so your car is 15 to 20 degrees cooler when you get inside than it would have been without using a reflector. 

Roll Down The Windows Slightly

Even when it’s going to be hot outside, creating any kind of breeze in your car while it’s parked is going to make for a much more pleasant temperature once you get back into your vehicle.

Luckily, you don’t have to roll the windows down too much to get a benefit here. In fact, you can essentially just crack your windows and still be able to keep your car cooler since that hot air will be easily able to escape. And with your windows just cracked slightly, you won’t be too much of a target for thieves to break in. 

Cover Your Seats And Steering Wheel

While your car might have tinted windows, with so much of your vehicle being made up of windows, it’s very easy for your car to heat up when it’s just sitting in the sun. Especially for the areas that are taking this direct sunlight, like the steering wheel and the seats, they can get extremely hot to the touch when you get in your car.

To combat this, you can try putting a blanket, towel, or any other material over your steering wheel or seats to help keep them cool. Once you get in the car, just pull back the blanket and see how much cooler your steering wheel or leather seats stay. 

If you’re tired of getting into a burning hot car during the summer, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you learn how to keep your car cooler when it’s parked.