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How You Can Tackle and Avoid Discrimination in Your Office

Discrimination can be a difficult thing to deal with in the workplace. It can be an uncomfortable, and sometimes even an aggressive, experience. However, there are things that you can do to try and tackle and avoid discrimination in your office.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to confront the person who is discriminating against you. Talk to them about why their behaviour is not acceptable, and ask them to stop. If they don’t stop, then you may need to report the incident to your supervisor or to HR.

But there are other options if you want to tackle discrimination, and avoid it all together, in the office.

  1. Educate yourself on what discrimination is

The first step is to understand what discrimination is. Discrimination is when someone is treated unfairly or differently because of their race, sex, age, religion, or disability. It can be difficult to identify discrimination when it’s happening, but once you know what to look for, you can be more aware of any discriminatory behaviour in the office.

If your employer is onboard, it might be a possibility to hold a discussion with your colleagues to help educate them on discrimination. This can help to create a more inclusive workplace for everyone.

  1. Speak up

If you experience or witness discrimination in the office, speak up. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself or for others. Discrimination can make people feel uncomfortable and unwelcome in the workplace. If you feel safe and comfortable doing so, speak to the person who is discriminating against you and ask them to stop.

And if the discrimination continues or you feel unsafe, report the incident to your supervisor or to HR. Discrimination should not be tolerated in the workplace and it is important to have a safe place to speak up about any incidents that occur.

  1. Promote diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion should be promoted in the workplace. This means that everyone should feel welcome and accepted, regardless of their race, sex, age, religion, or disability.

Creating an inclusive environment can help to tackle discrimination. It can also help to improve productivity and creativity in the workplace. If your office doesn’t have a diversity and inclusion policy, talk to your supervisor about creating one.

  1. Be allies

If you’re not experiencing discrimination, you can be an ally to those who are. An ally is someone who supports and stands up for someone else who is experiencing discrimination.

If you see someone being discriminatory towards someone else, speak up. Let the person know that their behaviour is not acceptable. And if the discrimination continues, report it to your supervisor or to HR.

  1. Get legal help

So, if you’ve tried to tackle and avoid discrimination in your office, but it’s still happening, it might be time to get legal help. Discrimination is against the law and you may be able to take legal action against your employer.

If you’re not sure where to start, speak to an employment lawyer, like Portland lawyers HKM. They can help you understand your rights and advise you on the best course of action to take.

To Conclude

Tackling and avoiding discrimination in the office can be difficult, but it’s important. By educating yourself on what discrimination is, speaking up when you experience or witness it, and promoting diversity and inclusion, you can help to make your office a more welcoming and safer place for everyone. And if the discrimination continues, you may want to get legal help.