Coffee Break

5 Senses: How It Affects Our Decision Making As Consumers

It’s no secret that our five senses play a huge role in our everyday lives. From the moment we wake up, to the time we go to bed, we are constantly using them to help us make decisions.

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In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the five senses and how they affect our decision-making as consumers.

1) Sight

When it comes to decision-making, sight is probably the sense that we use the most. After all, we are constantly bombarded with visual stimuli – from advertising and product packaging, to store displays and even our own reflection in the mirror.

All of this visual information can have a big impact on the decisions we make as consumers. For example, studies have shown that people are more likely to buy products that are brightly coloured or attractively packaged. And when it comes to choosing a new outfit, we’re much more likely to go for something that looks good on us (and makes us feel good about ourselves) than something that’s just practical.

2) Sound

Sound is another sense that can have a big impact on our decision-making. This is especially true when it comes to advertising – think about how many times you’ve been caught singing along to a catchy jingle or humming a tune that you heard in an advert!

But sound can also influence our decisions in other ways. For example, studies have shown that people are more likely to buy products that have a pleasant smell or sound. And when we’re trying to make a decision, we’re more likely to trust our gut instinct if it’s accompanied by a positive affirmation (like “yes!” or “I knew it!”).

3) Taste

Taste is another sense that can play a big role in our decision-making as consumers. This is because, when we’re trying out a new product, taste is often the sense that we rely on the most.

Think about it – when you’re trying a new food or drink, you’re much more likely to base your decision on how it tastes than anything else. And when you’re choosing a new perfume or aftershave, you’ll probably take a few sniffles before deciding whether or not to buy it.

4) Touch

Touch is another important sense when it comes to decision-making. This is because, when we’re considering buying a product, we often want to know how it feels before we part with our hard-earned cash.

For example, when you’re choosing a new piece of clothing, you’ll probably want to feel the fabric to see if it’s soft or scratchy. And when you’re looking at a new piece of technology, you’ll probably want to hold it and play with it to see how it feels in your hands.

5) Smell

Finally, smell is another sense that can have a big impact on our decision-making. This is because, when we’re trying out a new product, the smell is often one of the first things we notice. That’s why scent sticks play a vital role in hotels or upmarket stores.

Think about it – when you’re trying a new perfume or aftershave, the first thing you’ll do is take a sniff. And when you’re trying a new food or drink, the smell is often one of the things that decide whether or not you like it.

So there you have it

Five senses and how they affect our decision-making as consumers. So remember next time you’re out shopping, take a moment to think about how your senses are influencing your decisions!