Tag - Agriculture

Endeavour Magazine

Endeavour Magazine July 2022

We’ve moved offices here at Endeavour HQ, and settling into our new location has got us thinking about the future whilst also feeling nostalgic for the past. Speaking with Orford Mining, a Canadian exploration company, we again saw these two...

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Coffee Break

How Agriculture Businesses Are Changing

Whether you run an agricultural business yourself, or you are looking into doing so in the future, it is always going to be interesting to note what changes you might be able to expect. Agriculture is one area which is generally going to be near the...

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Amazing World

Moisture farms – Soon a reality?

Imagine standing in a desert and declaring that you can turn the sunlight into water. The image might seem like the claims of a fantastical prophet or magician, but as ever, science is performing its dead-ringer impersonation of magic yet again...

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Amazing World

Amazing World: The Crop Trust

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault was created as a safe-guard for humanity. Often dubbed the ‘doomsday’ vault, the facility was constructed deep in the ice of the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, as a last chance for our survival in the event of...

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Amazing World

The Vertical Farming Revolution

“Burn down your cities and leave our farms, and your cities will spring up again as if by magic; but destroy our farms and the grass will grow in the streets of every city in the country.”
– William Jennings Bryan

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Business Profiles

Farm and City. Feeding the growth.

Retailing into the farming industry is more than just meeting the items on a shopping list. Beyond all other industries, agriculture accounts for almost a quarter (23%) of formal employment in Zimbabwe and is one of the most important sectors in the...

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