Tag - car

Coffee Break

6 Tips for Handling a Tire Blowout

Early in his journalism career, Kerry L. Tucker had a revelation: there were not enough experts reporting on law issues. Legal matters are part of daily life. Yet, there seems to be a general aversion towards them. One of the main reasons for this...

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Coffee Break

Financing A Car With Wrecked Credit

Trying to finance a car with credit issues? It can be tough, and you are probably hitting brick wall after brick wall. Financing a vehicle without an adequate credit profile can be an exceedingly difficult thing but, believe it or not, it can be...

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Coffee Break

5 Best Tips for Buying a New Car

Photo by Negative Space from Pexels It’s not every day you buy a car, so it can’t be something you do in a rush without any prior knowledge. It’s essential to do research and know what to expect from the process.  There are particular factors you...

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