Tag - creepy

Amazing World

The Petrifying Lake

Located in the Arusha Region of Tanzania, sitting below the Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano within the Gregory Rift, Lake Natron is a beautiful yet sinister wonder of nature.  Fed by the Southern Ewaso Ng’iro River plus a number of mineral-rich hot...

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Amazing World

The Ghost Fleet of Truk Lagoon 

In 1969, renowned French oceanographer Jacques Cousteau explored a sheltered body of water in the Central Pacific with a fascinating history. What he found beneath the crystal waters would bring adventurers and treasure seekers from all over the...

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Amazing World

Conundrum of the AI Workshops 

Art is a world generally acknowledged to be in a state of constant flux. In few other fields of human endeavour is rapid, dramatic change expected and accepted as readily or sought after so constantly. From primitive man’s first murals of horses...

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Amazing World

Hashima: Ghost Island

15 miles off the South Coast of Japan, just a short boat ride from the city of Nagasaki, Battleship Island floats eerily and alone, surrounded by the ocean. Now left in ruins, this island holds the remains of Hashima, a man-made structure of just 16...

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