Tag - fish

Business Profiles

FirstWave: Making Waves

Give a person a fish, and they’ll eat for a day; create a company that significantly lowers the cost of fish production, and you can supply an entire population with healthy and affordable protein. We spoke with Tembwe Mutungu, co-CEO and co-Founder...

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Amazing World

Aquaponics: Changing farming

Since the dawn of agriculture, the way we grow our crops has begun by planting a seed in soil. Starting with an originally simple method, over time, we have managed to innovate and improve. Growing methods have been altered, tools to make our lives...

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Amazing World

Jellyfish Lake 

In a quiet corner of our planet sits Eil Malk, one of some 250 mostly uninhabited islands found in the Southern Lagoon of Palau, located between Koror and Peleliu. This densely wooded island is only 6km long and 4.5km wide, devoid of human...

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Amazing World

The Mysteries of Octlantis

There has been many a viral video featuring octopuses, usually starring the otherworldly creatures as they perform a feat of disturbingly intelligent problem-solving or physical resilience. Popular contenders have included these monstrous molluscs...

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Coffee Break

Fishy Business: From Sea To Plate

The fishing industry is one of the oldest in the world. Going back thousands of years, humans have used the sea as a valuable resource to help in gathering food. Of course, though, like anything modern, today’s fishing industry takes things to a...

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