Tag - Frozen

Amazing World

Humbug icebergs 

Antarctica is an infamously vast, white continent. There’s ice and snow, maybe some penguins and seals, but that’s about it, right? One of the most uninhabitable land masses on this earth may look bleak and uninviting on the surface, but it is home...

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Amazing World

The surprise at Abraham Lake 

Amongst the Canadian Rocky Mountains, in Clearwater County on the western edge of province of Alberta, sits Abraham Lake. Canada is no stranger to natural lakes – in fact, the country holds more than 50% of the world’s lakes! However, on the North...

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Amazing World

Cryonics – Preserving our future

Recent advances within the realms of science never fail to impress us here at Endeavour Magazine. Over the past decade alone mankind has witnessed remarkable advances in the field of bio-research, ranging from the great strides forward that have...

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