Tag - nature

Coffee Break

How To Set Up An Off-The-Grid Getaway

Technology has grown into a major factor that affects day-to-day life activities, making it hard to imagine life without it. And with more people being more aware of the negative influence it imposes on their lives, having an off-the-grid getaway...

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Amazing World

A sailing stone gathers no moss 

In California’s Death Valley National Park in 1915, a prospector named Joseph Crook visited the dried lake-bed of Racetrack Playa and stumbled upon scores of boulders that had apparently moved across the surface, leaving very obvious trails. With...

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Amazing World

Humbug icebergs 

Antarctica is an infamously vast, white continent. There’s ice and snow, maybe some penguins and seals, but that’s about it, right? One of the most uninhabitable land masses on this earth may look bleak and uninviting on the surface, but it is home...

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Amazing World

Socotra: a jewel of biodiversity 

Found some 240 kilometres east of the coast of Somalia and 380 kilometres south of the Arabian Peninsula, the island of Socotra is unusual in many ways. While politically part of Yemen, Socotra and the rest of its archipelago are geographically part...

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