Tag - nature

Amazing World

Axolotls and eternal life

Within the lakes of Xochimilco, on the outskirts of Mexico City, lives a truly mind-blowing creature – the axolotl. These wondrous little amphibians have particular unique abilities that make them stand out from the crowd in the animal kingdom...

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Amazing World

The Secret of Mount Lico

Standing 1,100 metres above sea level in the Zambezia Province of northern Mozambique, Mount Lico is an inselberg with sheer rock walls that rise up to 700 metres above the surrounding countryside. While an impressive structure in its own right...

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Amazing World


Whether a thousand years ago or today in the 21st century, Narwhals evoke mystery. These creatures of the sea are thought to have sparked the mythology surrounding unicorns, as they are the closest living animal resembling the mystical and...

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Amazing World

Jellyfish Lake 

In a quiet corner of our planet sits Eil Malk, one of some 250 mostly uninhabited islands found in the Southern Lagoon of Palau, located between Koror and Peleliu. This densely wooded island is only 6km long and 4.5km wide, devoid of human...

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Amazing World

The Petrifying Lake

Located in the Arusha Region of Tanzania, sitting below the Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano within the Gregory Rift, Lake Natron is a beautiful yet sinister wonder of nature.  Fed by the Southern Ewaso Ng’iro River plus a number of mineral-rich hot...

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Amazing World

An eye on the tiger 

The tiger reigns supreme as the largest big cat on earth. Weighing in at an average of 204kg (450lb), they are a creature to be admired. One of the tiger’s six subspecies, the Siberian (Amur) Tiger, can even weigh up to 300kg and grow up to 4m...

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Amazing World

Plains, Trains & Flamingos 

Located in the southwest of Bolivia, near the crest of the Andes, the Salar de Uyuni on first glance seems like a vast open plain devoid of life or interesting features. However, look closer and it quickly becomes apparent that this is one of the...

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Amazing World

Survival of the Salties 

In Northern Australia, a fearsome predator lurks beneath the water. Growing up to 23ft in length and weighing in at a mighty 2,600lb, this is certainly not a beast to be messed with. That’s right – it’s the salt water crocodile. Infamously...

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Amazing World

The surprise at Abraham Lake 

Amongst the Canadian Rocky Mountains, in Clearwater County on the western edge of province of Alberta, sits Abraham Lake. Canada is no stranger to natural lakes – in fact, the country holds more than 50% of the world’s lakes! However, on the North...

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Amazing World

The Devil’s Kettle 

Nothing spurs the imagination quite so much as an unsolved geological mystery, and there are plenty of these to be found in all corners of the world.  One such phenomenon is located in Judge C.R. Magney State Park in Minnesota, USA, where the Brule...

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