Tag - profit

Endeavour Magazine

Endeavour Magazine February 2019

Keeping our fingers on the pulse of global industry is always exciting, whether we’re learning about developments on the frontier of a technology or seeing a new surge in an industry that has experienced a lull. However, the highlight of our jobs is...

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Endeavour Magazine

Endeavour Magazine January 2019

As 2018 comes to a close and we strive into the New Year, it is a perfect time to look to the future and to celebrate the projects that are carrying us forwards positively into 2019. Therefore, we were delighted to finally be able to cover the Lake...

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Endeavour Magazine

Endeavour Magazine December 2018

Happy Holidays! It’s finally December again, and we’re getting deep into the spirit here in the Endeavour offices. It’s been an inspirational year for us; we’ve spoken with what’s felt like a wider range of companies than ever before, from...

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Endeavour Magazine

Endeavour Magazine November 2018

2018 is almost over, with Christmas and Hanukkah on the horizon for many of us. As those who celebrate start to look forward to these festivals, whether they are held dear because of faith or because they symbolise a time with family and loved ones...

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Coffee Break

How to Start a Business on a Budget

Starting your own business is a major undertaking and not something to be taken lightly. One of the main problems budding business owners face when looking to get their business idea off the ground is the sheer cost of setting up even a modest-sized...

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Endeavour Magazine

Endeavour Magazine October 2018

It’s October again, and in time for Halloween, Endeavour’s Amazing World team have sniffed out a few more of the planet’s most mysterious sites. In Japan, they took a look at the Island of Hashima, otherwise known as Gunkanjima (Battleship Island)...

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Endeavour Magazine

Endeavour Magazine September 2018

We have had a mining-heavy focus this month, with several mining and mining exploration groups on the cusp of exciting developments and discoveries. Despite a market slump across many of the mining sectors, the companies we’ve spoken with are far...

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Coffee Break

Multiply Your Money Fast

Image source There are not many people who do not wish they had more money, except perhaps those that are so rich they have much more than they need.  Those people are most definitely few and far between, and while you may be thinking that there is...

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