Tag - science

Amazing World

A sailing stone gathers no moss 

In California’s Death Valley National Park in 1915, a prospector named Joseph Crook visited the dried lake-bed of Racetrack Playa and stumbled upon scores of boulders that had apparently moved across the surface, leaving very obvious trails. With...

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Amazing World

Humbug icebergs 

Antarctica is an infamously vast, white continent. There’s ice and snow, maybe some penguins and seals, but that’s about it, right? One of the most uninhabitable land masses on this earth may look bleak and uninviting on the surface, but it is home...

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Amazing World

Axolotls and eternal life

Within the lakes of Xochimilco, on the outskirts of Mexico City, lives a truly mind-blowing creature – the axolotl. These wondrous little amphibians have particular unique abilities that make them stand out from the crowd in the animal kingdom...

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Amazing World

Conundrum of the AI Workshops 

Art is a world generally acknowledged to be in a state of constant flux. In few other fields of human endeavour is rapid, dramatic change expected and accepted as readily or sought after so constantly. From primitive man’s first murals of horses...

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Amazing World

The surprise at Abraham Lake 

Amongst the Canadian Rocky Mountains, in Clearwater County on the western edge of province of Alberta, sits Abraham Lake. Canada is no stranger to natural lakes – in fact, the country holds more than 50% of the world’s lakes! However, on the North...

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Amazing World

The Devil’s Kettle 

Nothing spurs the imagination quite so much as an unsolved geological mystery, and there are plenty of these to be found in all corners of the world.  One such phenomenon is located in Judge C.R. Magney State Park in Minnesota, USA, where the Brule...

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