Tag - water

Amazing World

The Devil’s Kettle 

Nothing spurs the imagination quite so much as an unsolved geological mystery, and there are plenty of these to be found in all corners of the world.  One such phenomenon is located in Judge C.R. Magney State Park in Minnesota, USA, where the Brule...

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Amazing World

Moisture farms – Soon a reality?

Imagine standing in a desert and declaring that you can turn the sunlight into water. The image might seem like the claims of a fantastical prophet or magician, but as ever, science is performing its dead-ringer impersonation of magic yet again...

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Coffee Break

Technology Essentials for the Home Office

If you are thinking about setting up a home office, then there are a few decisions you need to make so that it works the best way possible. You need to decide on what furniture you will have as well as the space you will need for your office...

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Amazing World

The Ocean Cleanup

When you think for a moment about what our species has managed during our short time on Earth, it’s difficult not to come to the conclusion that we’re capable of some pretty astonishing stuff when we put our minds to it.

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Coffee Break

Four Home Disasters You Must Watch Out For

Image source As a rule, we all feel happy and comfortable in our homes – they’re where we go to relax after a hard day at work, it’s where we live with our most loved family members, they’re where our pets curl up next to us on the sofa on the...

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Coffee Break

The World’s Best Holidays on Water

The world has seemingly gone completely bonkers, and while not everyone can up and become an expat in the Med at the drop of a hat, most can afford to take a digital detox from the unpredictable politics and the impending end of humanity. Here, we...

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