Tag - art

Coffee Break

How Colored Accents Can Brighten Your Home

The right color can make a difference in the atmosphere of your space. Whether you want to brighten up an area or create more visual interest, you can do so with colorful furniture and accessories! Colored accents are a great way to add personality...

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Coffee Break

Mastering The Art Of Escapism

In the twenty first century, it can be challenging to find the time to take a break from our busy and stressful lives. We often feel like we are on the go twenty four seven with very little space for personal or relaxing pursuits. You might have a...

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Amazing World

Mystery of the Nazca Lines

In the mid-1500s, Spanish conquistador Pedro Cieza de Leon was chronicling his exploration of southern Peru and referred to strange trail markers he found in the soil of the Nazca Desert. In 1586, a separate report instead mentioned ancient ‘roads’...

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Amazing World

The Petrifying Lake

Located in the Arusha Region of Tanzania, sitting below the Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano within the Gregory Rift, Lake Natron is a beautiful yet sinister wonder of nature.  Fed by the Southern Ewaso Ng’iro River plus a number of mineral-rich hot...

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Amazing World

Conundrum of the AI Workshops 

Art is a world generally acknowledged to be in a state of constant flux. In few other fields of human endeavour is rapid, dramatic change expected and accepted as readily or sought after so constantly. From primitive man’s first murals of horses...

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