Tag - Communication

Amazing World

Logbar: ili Wearable Translator

ili is the new wearable translator from start-up company Logbar. This remarkable little device translates your words in less than a second, allowing you to speak with ease on your travels without delay or even needing a wi-fi connection! The ili...

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Coffee Break

Break Those Barriers To Productivity

Productivity is an essential quality for any business that wants to thrive. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. If you can’t get a team productive, then you can get the groundwork done that your business needs to keep up with its demands. If...

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Coffee Break

Simple Ways To Become An Assertive Leader

Communication skills are something that every business owner needs to have. From talking to employees to answering customer’s emails, it’s required on a daily basis in all aspects of your business. As the owner, it’s your job to lead your team to...

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