Tag - manage

Coffee Break

How To Project Manage Your Self-Build

Image Credit Pixabay.com License CC0 If you’ve ever thought about building your own home, you’ll probably have your own clear ideas about what you want from the property.  You might have the skills to be able to design the house yourself. Failing...

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Coffee Break

How To Be An Effective Leader

Today we want to share with you a few tips and suggestions around how to be an effective leader.  Image Pixabay – Pixabay License  Accept your role The first thing we would suggest is that you accept the role that you have to play. You might...

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Coffee Break

Managing People Who are Tough to Manage

Image source Being a manager would be easy if employees were all easy going, talented hard working individuals not opposed to taking orders from time to time, but that sadly isn’t the case, which means if you want to be a good manager, you need to...

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Coffee Break

3 Signs That Your Office Is Overstocked

Not having enough equipment or missing out a few supplies can be frustrating. Not only can it slow down your office’s productivity, it can also hinder you from doing important tasks and it might make some of your employees think twice about your...

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