Tag - property

Coffee Break

Improve Your Chances of Getting a Mortgage

image Throw it back to just under a decade ago, and mortgages were pretty easy to come by. In many ways, they were a big factor in the ‘credit crunch’ that happened around 2008 and 2009. People could get a loan for a mortgage pretty easily, but then...

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Coffee Break

Make Money From A Ghost Town

Outsourcing abroad has had a huge impact on the world. Areas that used to be thriving have now become basically empty because the industry that supported the town has been moved abroad. When a large amount of the population worked in these...

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Coffee Break

Property Market Predictions, 2017

The housing market is an endless source of intrigue for economists. The reason for this is that it is one of the best indicators of the state of the overall economy – or at least it used to be. These days, the housing market has some serious...

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