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Coffee Break

The Easy Way To Improve Network Security

Modern businesses rely on their IT networks more than ever before. Unfortunately, many believe that protecting their data isn’t essential. They are “too small” to become a cybercriminal target – or so they think. Criminals, however, don’t see...

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Coffee Break

Living on Stocks: What is a Day Trader?

When most people start investing in stocks, securities, and other assets, they do it because they have a long-term goal to build their cash over time. These people don’t expect to see any immediate results from the things that they spend their money...

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Coffee Break

Highway Phobia: Driving Away Your Fears

(image) Driving around town in your trusted car is one thing, but heading out onto the highway is another. For most of us, this isn’t a problem. It is often a necessity, though driving at faster speeds can be quite enjoyable. For others, highway...

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