Tag - shipping

Business Profiles

Hill Dickinson (APAC)

  Maritime Law and So Much More  Hill Dickinson Hong Kong is a leading international legal practice and one of the fastest growing law firms in Hong Kong. In response to market conditions and increased client demand, the team in Hong Kong has...

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Coffee Break

How to Ship Freight Easy and Affordably

Freight shipping is the cornerstone of the commercial transport industry. It offers the best way to move commodities, consumer items, and other merchandise all over the world. With so many companies operating in this space, it can be challenging to...

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Endeavour Magazine

Endeavour Magazine July 2022

We’ve moved offices here at Endeavour HQ, and settling into our new location has got us thinking about the future whilst also feeling nostalgic for the past. Speaking with Orford Mining, a Canadian exploration company, we again saw these two...

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Coffee Break

Ways to Increase Your Etsy Sales

Etsy is the perfect breeding ground for creative businesses mostly involved in making handmade crafts. If you’re already on this platform, you might be reaping the results of your labor, but there is always room to improve. Whether a store is...

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Coffee Break

How does a TMS system work?

Transportation does not create any money on its own. However, we can learn how to make it more efficient. For example, when trucks or shipping containers travel partially empty, underutilization of freight capacity is a common issue to encounter...

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Business Profiles

Port of Salalah: Staying shipshape

Ports are never a quiet place to work: no matter how well they are run or how effectively they are built, they are, by definition, hubs of activity. In these recent times, in particular, that activity has come with its challenges, and the greater...

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