Tag - stock

Coffee Break

Living on Stocks: What is a Day Trader?

When most people start investing in stocks, securities, and other assets, they do it because they have a long-term goal to build their cash over time. These people don’t expect to see any immediate results from the things that they spend their money...

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Business Profiles

Marcopolo South Africa: Made to order

South Africa’s public transport industry is a complex and challenging one, but a rewarding frontier if tackled correctly. For Marcopolo, one of the world’s largest bus body manufacturers, it is a challenge the group can take in its stride; we spoke...

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Coffee Break

New Year, New Business Opportunities

2019 has arrived, bringing with it more business trends to consider and how to adapt to them, as well as the need to keep your employees happy and productive. After all, January can make the hardest of workers feeling a bit blue, but that doesn’t...

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