
Why you can trust Brydon Brothers.



The belt you choose really does define you. A man can wear the most impressive suit, but if he is wearing a mismatched belt he could completely ruin it…conversely, if he wears the perfectly matched belt it may go completely unnoticed. This makes the belt the unsung hero of a wardrobe that defines whether or not we know what we’re doing when we dress ourselves.


Brydon Bros have created some unique, stylish accessories. Instead of the traditional leather belt with belt holes that will rip, tear and ultimately let you down, the belt I tried out was of a woven fabric. Thick enough and with a high enough fibre count to look fashionably pricey, it also boasted an elasticated body that promised I wouldn’t be straining if I enjoyed a full three courses at the local Middletons. Also, there are no notches, so the belt is affixed where it needs to be every time.

Perfect for suits, jeans, chinos and shorts, the selection of belts crosses a wide range of styles across both genders and thanks to not having to worry about where the notches are, now a belt is finally one size fits all.

The presentation of the belt was particularly tasteful; arriving in a labelled wooden box that looked equally rugged and executive. It was the packaging equivalent of having an office with a plated glass and chrome desk in an office of old wooden timbers and brick walls (many of you will appreciate the imagery).

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The belts have also been getting a lot of attention online, with many happy customers taking to Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to show off that their approach to style starts with how they keep their pants up. How a man approaches the essentials can tell you everything you need to know about him and using a Brydon Bro’s belt will speak volumes.

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