Tag - care

Coffee Break

Is Healthcare A Right Or A Business?

Pic Link It’s an old question, is healthcare a business or a right? You might have noticed that it’s cropped up against recently with the proposed healthcare bill put forward by Trump’s government that wipes out Obama Care. But which answer is...

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Coffee Break

The Worst Events To Happen On The Road

Image Source Driving is, for most people, an ordinary part of their everyday lives. It is often due to this very ordinariness that people fail to remain vigilant on the roads, often resulting in a number of incidents which would rather be avoided...

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Coffee Break

Neglect In Care: What To Look Out For

It’s never a nice thing to talk about, but the amount of neglect in retirement homes is on the rise. One can only assume that due to cuts and staff issues, as well as rising costs in business insurance, these are all factors that contribute to it...

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