Tag - catering

Coffee Break

6 Things to Consider Before Wedding Day

A wedding ceremony ought to always mark the best moment in one’s life. It should be the biggest party to ever throw in your life. Before you tie the life knots, take time to look at everything the great day needs for success. The planning process...

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Amazing World

The Horror Restaurants of Japan

As the East leaves its spookiest season of the Ghost Month behind, nights of wandering dead are just beginning for the West. Whether Dia de Los Muertos or All Hallow’s Eve, the darkening autumn nights are a time to indulge in ideas of the...

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Coffee Break

Home Businesses You Could Start Today

Starting a business doing something you love, or simply setting your own hours and being your own boss, is the dream of many people. While in today’s society, it’s a genuine possibility, many people get stuck trying to think of a business or...

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Coffee Break

Have a Van? Start a Business!

There’s a lot of focus on using the Internet and technology to start a business these days. But it isn’t the only way to scratch out a living. If you own a van – or come across one cheap – there are an enormous array of businesses you...

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