Tag - green


Tesla Inc.: Supercharging the future

Tesla, Inc., headed by visionary CEO Elon Musk, is an increasingly major household name. Whether or not you own a Tesla product, you are almost guaranteed to be aware of the company’s work in clean solar energy, lithium-ion batteries for green...

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Business Profiles

TSK: Ready for the future 

The pressure for clean energy is rising, and for power companies, this could mean an abrupt change – unless, like TSK, they have been preparing. We spoke with Joaquin Garcia Rico, TSK’s CEO, about the group of companies’ global success and widely...

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Amazing World

Aquaponics: Changing farming

Since the dawn of agriculture, the way we grow our crops has begun by planting a seed in soil. Starting with an originally simple method, over time, we have managed to innovate and improve. Growing methods have been altered, tools to make our lives...

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Coffee Break

How to Run an Eco-Friendly Business

In today’s climate, people are clambering for eco-friendly businesses. Why not tap into this demand by starting your very own? Aside from the obvious fact that doing so would be great for the planet that you live and work on, by embarking on this...

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Amazing World

The Winds of Change 

From the time the first wind mills appeared in China, harnessing the energy provided by this natural phenomenon has been an important resource for the human race. Now, wind power has become a fantastic source of generating electricity due to the...

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Car Reviews

Tesla Model S 100D

Tesla’s attempt to present an electrical vehicle (EV) that could offer a genuine alternative to the reigning twin supremo of diesel and petrol vehicles appears to have (surprisingly) actually become an actuality.  I was very skeptical when I picked...

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Amazing World

Moisture farms – Soon a reality?

Imagine standing in a desert and declaring that you can turn the sunlight into water. The image might seem like the claims of a fantastical prophet or magician, but as ever, science is performing its dead-ringer impersonation of magic yet again...

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Chakr Innovation: Breathing easier

As pollution fears rise and we begin to fully acknowledge just how much back-peddling we need to achieve to save our environment, teams around the world are working ambitiously on finding solutions. Whilst shifting a use of fossil fuels onto...

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Coffee Break

Going Green On The Cheap As A Business

Offices, factories, and other industrial spaces usually lack an important consideration in their design and construction; the environment. Unfortunately, when businesses first set out to build their premises, the costs involved make it hard to think...

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