Tag - hazard

Coffee Break

How To Build A Strong And Secure Business

Picture Source Whilst making a profit may be the goal of every entrepreneurial type who builds a business, it shouldn’t be the end-goal in terms of a successful company. You haven’t truly built something stable and long-lasting until you have a plan...

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Coffee Break

Are You A Hazard On The Highways?

Are you a good driver? Many people would say yes in response to this question. But if your driving performance was analysed, would the results match your response? Many of us think we’re capable behind the wheel, but the vast majority of accidents...

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Coffee Break

You may not realize it. But, your workplace could be a breeding ground for all kinds of safety hazards! It doesn’t matter whether one is careless or absent-minded. The things they do (or don’t do) could affect the safety of others around...

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