Tag - Mining

Business Profiles

AKF Mining: Distinguished Quality

AKF Mining is a state-of-the-art mining and geoscience firm that acts as a vital partner in its clientele’s exploration, development, production, and closure. Situated at the heart of the Canadian Mining Industry, their expertise in the field...

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Endeavour Magazine

Endeavour Magazine July 2022

We’ve moved offices here at Endeavour HQ, and settling into our new location has got us thinking about the future whilst also feeling nostalgic for the past. Speaking with Orford Mining, a Canadian exploration company, we again saw these two...

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Business Profiles

Tietto Minerals: First gold

In 2014, Tietto Minerals first took notice of an area in Abujar, Côte d’Ivoire, the land showing prospective signs of mineralisation through some unorthodox activity. Today, after an incredibly fast turn-around, this same land holds an active gold...

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Business Profiles

E3 Metals Corp: Clean Clearwater

Electricity: our modern world relies on it. Yet, even in power cuts, when we’re at home, we’re barely affected like we used to be. Why? We’re surrounded by devices powered by batteries. From household items to renewable power stations and electric...

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Business Profiles

Sun Metals: Green zinc

Zinc is one of those metals that keeps the world turning. It is used to galvanise other metals, such as iron and steel, and as an alloying metal to make bronze and brass. Without zinc, many of our other, core metals take a hit, making it a silent...

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Business Profiles

Vanadium Resources: Transition

2020 was a curious time for all of us, so it’s a heck of a time to become CEO of a company. We interviewed Eugene Nel, the new CEO of VR8, a mining exploration company focusing its efforts on vanadium, a little-talked-about but essential metal...

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Coffee Break

Why You Should Outsource Data Mining Task?

In today’s business world more than ever before, most corporate organizations are left with “tons” of data that has to be processed if they must accomplish tasks and remain on top of their game. The importance of being able to efficiently process...

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