Tag - support

Coffee Break

How to Move on in Life after a Rough Patch

Image source:   One aspect of human existence that will always come as a challenge are the times when we are faced with some kind of failure. Whether the cause of it was a personal shortcoming or just a stroke of bad luck, one thing is for certain:...

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Coffee Break

Why Veterans Need Legal Help 

Image  Veterans are undoubtedly the most honored and respected members of society. It doesn’t come by default. They’ve earned it and deserve every inch of appreciation they can get both from the government and the general public. Most of them make...

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Coffee Break

Who Needs Life Insurance?

There are two certainties in life, which are taxes and death. Sounds morbid, right? Maybe, but did you know that life insurance can help you out in both situations? Read on to find out more about life insurance and the individuals who really need it...

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Coffee Break

5 Ways To Protect Your Brand

One of the hardest things to do in business is to protect your brand. You have to shield your business from the onslaught of different hackers online, attackers who want to defraud your very good name and those who want to put a smear on your...

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Business Profiles

TSK: Ready for the future 

The pressure for clean energy is rising, and for power companies, this could mean an abrupt change – unless, like TSK, they have been preparing. We spoke with Joaquin Garcia Rico, TSK’s CEO, about the group of companies’ global success and widely...

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Business Profiles

Motion Composites: Keep Moving

How much can there be to innovate in a wheelchair? Motion Composites has taken the industry back to the drawing board, and the results are changing lives and causing ripples throughout the sector. We spoke with Tina Roesler, Head of International...

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