Tag - festival

Amazing World

Ivan Kupala

For almost everyone, the return of the sun to the summer sky is a more than a welcome sight. And for thousands of years, Europeans across the continent have celebrated the summer solstice – the longest day of the year. Throughout the Slavic regions...

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Amazing World

Kukeri: Dancing away the Devil 

Every winter, for thousands of years, the Kukeri dancers of Bulgaria perform a vibrant spectacle to battle against the darkness. The tradition has been ingrained into the country’s culture for generations – so far back that no one knows where...

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Amazing World

Celebrating New Year with a bang! 

Last month, we looked at some of the wide and varying Christmas traditions from around the world. To continue the theme, Endeavour now turns to New Year, and we’ve realised just how many countries celebrate this moment by making as much noise as...

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Amazing World

Winter customs around the world 

In many cultures, the coldest season is typically a time of celebration, with traditions varying from one country to the next. These celebrations are designed to light up the dark, provide something to look forward to and boost moral in the trying...

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Amazing World

Don’t be upset – it’s Holi!

Bonfires crackle, water balloons catapult from strategic hiding places and coloured powders tie-dye the world. It’s time for Holi! Despite its aesthetic recently being adopted by the Western festival scenes as a ‘trendy way to paint your...

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Amazing World

Mardi Gras: Everybody Loves a Carnival!

All around the world, February is truly the month of the carnival. From the colourful Italian stylings of the Carnevale di Venezia (Carnival of Venice), the monster parades visible in Germany during the Kölner Karneval (Cologne Carnival), and the...

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