Tag - new

Coffee Break

Settling in to a New Country

Whether you are going for a short period of time or the long-term, moving to a new country is always going to be a nerve-racking experience. No matter what reasons you have for moving abroad, you will want to make sure that you get settled as soon...

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Coffee Break

Easy Ways to Customise Your Car

If you purchase a brand new car then you have the opportunity to get it delivered to you in almost any way you want, whether this be colour, wheels, seats and other gadgets.  If however you are purchasing a used car then you don’t have this luxury...

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Coffee Break

Pursuing a New Career Path

Image Credit When it comes to careers, most of us tend to follow a singular path. We’ll leave school and either head straight into a position that offers on-the-job training, or we’ll continue to university, where we’ll gain the necessary...

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Coffee Break

4 Advantages Of Upgrading Your Car

Getting something new is so exciting, isn’t it? A new car is one of the best things you can buy; from the shiny, shiny exterior to the new-car smell that everyone loves, a new car is an excellent addition to your arsenal of gadgets. The thing is...

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Coffee Break

New Tech that’s Changing our Cars

There are new technological developments nearly every single day and it’s only natural that some of these are changing our cars. These have been changing everything, from how we drive to the way we keep ourselves secure on the roads. Join us as we...

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