Tag - office

Coffee Break

New Year, New Business Opportunities

2019 has arrived, bringing with it more business trends to consider and how to adapt to them, as well as the need to keep your employees happy and productive. After all, January can make the hardest of workers feeling a bit blue, but that doesn’t...

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Coffee Break

Ready to Move Abroad? Here is How.

So, you’ve wanted to make a big move for ages. Career-wise you’ve got it nailed, you love your job, and even if you don’t, you’re great at it, and it has opened up a lot of doors for you. The offices are global. What comes next? Checking out the...

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Coffee Break

Technology Essentials for the Home Office

If you are thinking about setting up a home office, then there are a few decisions you need to make so that it works the best way possible. You need to decide on what furniture you will have as well as the space you will need for your office...

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Coffee Break

Organise Your Office For Success

Image Spring is here, and this is the perfect opportunity to make a fresh start and have a bit of a clean up in the home and in the office. Whether you work in your spare room at home or in an office building with a full team, it is important to...

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